
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A longing for the past, Nostalgia

Want to make me happy? buy me these.
I grew up and these albums were some of the best hardcore death/black metal I had to listen to.

And on a slightly related note, I made some dinner. I know I wanted somebody else to make these for me, however I had all the ingredients and they were calling me.
Blueberry Pancakes! YUMO! When I was a child I remember these for breakfast!
When ever I have them at a restaurant they always make the pancake batter and pour it onto the griddle then plop a few berries into each individual pancake. That way is lame, and WRONG! The correct way is to put half the berries into the batter BEFORE you stir it all to make the lumpy smooth batter. Then add a few berries to each individual pancake. That way you burst a few of the berries while stirring and get the berry flavor through the whole thing, not only in the bites with actual berry.

Also, you gotta cook them till the berries EXPLODE! and their juices are caramelized on the pan, while soaking into the surrounding pancake. GREAT!
Then you stack them 3 high, add some butter, and a SLIGHT drizzle of syrup. and chow down! The best EVER!

KK y'all thank you for reading once again! Make some Death Metal Inspired blueberry  pancakes!


  1. mmm those pancakes look tasty. I need a midnight snack, errr.. some pancakes omnomnom

  2. I was always amazed that Americans ate pancakes for breakfast.

  3. death metal to blueberry pancakes in one post! nice!

  4. Dangnabbit. I had breakfast before seeing this, now I want pancakes.

  5. those blue berry pancakes looks delicious!

  6. Naaah I prefer mine smooth flat and delicate...

  7. the 2nd one looks strange but anyway I'm gonna eat now

  8. Funny thing is, the past you're longing for probably never actually happened.

  9. I make my pancakes in a bowl in the microwave.

  10. If the link was to buy the blueberry pancakes, I wuold have bit!

  11. haha that's pretty true about it

  12. I want all that food in my mouth NOW. Looks so good.
